Thursday, January 08, 2009


Today at my children's school, they had the school Geography bee. It is open to grades 5- 8 and a test is given in each class to decide who gets to participate from each class( two from each class). The Syron family was blessed to send both of their children to the bee. The consisted of many rounds going from ten, to four and then the final two contestants. Guess who they were???? I am sure you figured it out. My children Abby and Ian competed for the top spot. And the winner was/is ...........................................Ian. Ian will now compete at the regional level and test a written test for that competiton. As you can see from his smile, he was eleated and proud. Craig and I are so proud of both of our children. We are so happy for our son, Ian, for this great accomplishment. I just had to share. TTFN


  1. That is truly awesome! Way to go Syron kids!

  2. No sibling competition there. Great Job to both of you, and good luck at the next level....Gramps

  3. Congratulations to my very bright and talented grandchildren! Great photos of both of you, too. Keep studying.
